Friday, March 19, 2010

Soccer Sharks!

Jack has started soccer this spring and I think he's really enjoying it. He is a Maroon Shark and on a team with mainly 5 year olds (so they are pretty good).

Random Photos

Caroline LOVES stickers!! Somehow she started putting them on the refrigerator and so now we have quite a collection. Initially she put them directly on the fridge and after the first round and several bottles of Goo Gone later, my mom suggested putting cling wrap down before the stickers which has worked wonders. So, if you're ever wondering what to send our sweet girl, stickers are always a good choice.

Jack got a new haircut a couple weeks ago. I think it makes him look so much older.

Juice boxes and nice weather make life better.

Caroline and her friend Evie. She was trying really hard to get Evie's toys.

Friday, February 12, 2010


It doesn't happen often, but we actually had some snow in Texas yesterday so despite illness, I let the kids bundle up and go outside for a brief time period. They both loved it!! Wish they were feeling better so they could have stayed out longer. Maybe next time...

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Watching baby Selah.

Watching the Superbowl with friends.

Randomness Since December

Working on birthday cards for Lainee and Grandma.

Throwing a fit in the dirt.

Posing with mom, the new brunette.


The fellas

Nashville for Christmas

We met Nathan's family in Nashville for Christmas this year. We had a great time hanging out together and watching the kids go crazy over all the presents.

Santa Visits

The kids got a lot of 'recycled toys' this Christmas...but it didn't seem to change their love for the 'new' stuff one bit.