Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Heat Is On

Jack's really excited about hitting the pool.

Catching some rays

Jack finally realizes the water feels good.

It's become quite warm here so we thought it was time to try out our new pool. Prior to out journey in the sun, I decided to put some sunscreen on Jack - like every good mother should. Well, I purchased the new Coppertone spray-on sunscreen because it seemed like it would be the easiest to apply on a squirmy kid. So, I was all excited and impressed with my wonderful mom thinking as I began to spray it on Jack's little legs. I was not at all expecting the reaction it received. Immediately after putting some on his legs, Jack's lower lip began to pucker outward and his cheeks became red...and I knew I had made a big mistake. Then the screams came. The sunscreen had scared him. So, it took about 30 minutes to recover and find mom and dad's sunscreen lotion before we were actually able to leave for the pool.

The pool was actually smooth sailing after the sunscreen application. He wasn't sure what to think at first and there were a few tears... but he quickly learned that it was a lot similar to his bathtub and before long he was happily being swished by me in the cold water. Next time Nathan gets sunscreen duty.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good grief! Could you be any cuter?! I'm glad ya like the water now, Jack. I think you're ready for the ocean...Now tell your parents to take you to Hawaii to meet me!