Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas In Pittsburgh: Part I

Because Nathan and I both had several weeks off for Christmas break, we closed up the apartment and headed to see our relatives in Missouri and Pittsburgh. It was a LOT of traveling and Jack did get an ear infection, new tooth, and a cold during all of it, but we still managed to have a good time. And Jack's extended family was pretty forgiving of his long loud nights during the worst of the ear pain.
Here are some highlights from Pittsburgh:
Jack catching up on some birthday presents from Nana & Papaw.

Matching day with Uncle Mike.

(Don't wasn't planned...we're not THAT kind of family.)

Bundling up in our hat and winter coat to face the cold (although it was mild weather for Pittsburgh, it was freezing to us!).

A bathtub just Jack's size (seriously).

Jack loved hanging out with the boys.

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