Thursday, April 12, 2007


We actually had a really fun Easter here with Jack. I was on call so we weren't able to go to church that morning but the Easter bunny did hop his way into Jack's room and leave him with some cool bath crayons and fingerpaints. We also decorated Easter eggs (which was terribly messy). Jack had practiced his egg hunting skills at school all week and had come home with quite a load of "treats" so we had a few of those, too. I had to convince him that the chocolate bunnies tasted better without their foil covering. I think Jack's hands are still green from the egg dye but overall we had a lot of fun (even though it was snowing here!).

1 comment:

ellieandavasmommy said...

You're brave to dye eggs this young! We did it for the first time this year and Ellie loved it. We miss you guys!