Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Visit from Nana, Pappaw, and Uncle Mike

A trip to the zoo never goes out of style.

Don't know if you can tell but Jack is saying "moo" as he passes the cow on the train.

Daddy, Jack, and an Elephant.

Nathan's family came to visit the first part of July. It was a quick trip and I (the mom) was training at my new job and only spent about 6 hours total with them. Jack had a great time teaching them the names of all his "cars" and showing them around the zoo.  He always enjoys having an audience. Can't wait to see them again! Thanks for making the LONG trip down here. We had a great time.

1 comment:

auntlainee said...

by far my favorite picture ever is him saying moo! props to whoever caught that precious moment on camera!!! Can't wait to see you all soooo soon!