Monday, April 06, 2009

Army Crawl

Caroline is finally able to get around. She has been trying so hard for the past few weeks and did a really great job of moving backwards...which only frustrated her even more. She loves being able to move across the floor. I have realized, however, that it is harder to baby proof things with a three-year-old sibling leaving snacks and small toys everywhere.


Nicole said...

Hey Lindsey! Ok, I'm SO glad to hear that Jack was a serious baby too. Ever since Alex was really little, even my mom called him a "serious baby", which in my mind, translated as "grump". =) All because he was slow to smile at her antics. Anyways, Alex is in a really fun stage now - I'm loving it. Caroline is so cute - those cheeks!

Thankful said...

She is getting so big & oh!! So precious and beautiful! I know she'll be a wonderful "cheerleader" for her big brother! Love all the pics and looking forward to many more! KTM