Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Full Recovery

Jack so excited about his new clothes from Grandma and Grandpa.

So Jack has made a full recovery and feels so good this week, we can barely keep up with him. He's crawling everywhere now but still isn't up on all fours. He's content with scooting on his belly (and actually has rugburn on his left knee from using it to slide across the carpet). His new favorite venture is rearranging all of mom and dad's books on the bottom of the bookshelf. He places them in really pretty patterns across the living room floor. He's also saying "mama", "dada", and "baba" now but really doesn't know what they mean (at least that's what we think); however, the other day nathan came home from work and when i asked Jack who was here, he said very clearly "DADA". So, maybe he is a genius! They say boys inherit their intelligence from mom so it would make sense.
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RC said... that early for seems like it...but i don't know the baby-development calender...

great stuff!

Anonymous said...


Sher said...

Lynsi, You make me laugh! And I love all the pics of Jack on your blog! He's too cute! And seems very smart!

It's a Mom Thing said...

OH yes! I think all [smart] children inherit their smart genes from their mothers. Pretty sure about that!
And I LOVE Jack's big boy clothes. He is too cute with that big grin.