Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Look What I Learned Yesterday...

So, Jack learned how to empty the cabinets yesterday. I haven't decided yet whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. It does keep him occupied while I'm cooking...

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Andrea and Jeff said...

i love this post! 1. i just put all of our tupperware in the bottom cabinet tonight for this very reason and 2. i always try to get adeline to say "bye-bye" and she just looks away like "what is that lady talking about?" i have one question for you - what kind of video camera do y'all have? our digital camera doesn't take videos and yours seems to take pretty good ones, so i am just curious. hope y'all are doing well! miss you guys!

Andrea and Jeff said...

happy 11 months old, jack! we can't believe you will be 1 year old in only a month! such a big boy, and such a cutie! love you guys!