Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Caped Crusader

For those who don't remember, Jack really wanted to be Batman for Halloween. So, I found him a costume (actually pajamas) and bought his sister a Wonder Woman costume and was ready for the big event. Well, Jack would have nothing to do with his costume once the big day came. He did NOT want to put it on. So, we went trick-o-treating in jeans and a t-shirt. Even among other friends who were dressed in costume, Jack still showed no interest in wearing his Batman gear. We didn't force it just put the costume in a drawer in case he ever changed his mind. Well a couple weeks ago the girl who watches Jack and Caroline arrived with her daughter who was dressed as a princess. Immediately Jack asked for his Batman costume. I got it out of the drawer and told Ashley, our sitter, that he probably wouldn't wear it. I was wrong. He immediately put it on and said he was playing 'superheroes'. Now, we have to hide it from him to keep him from wearing it 24/7. On our way to Missouri, we stopped at a gas station and I laughed as Nathan and Jack went inside to buy some snacks because he had on a pair of Christmas pajama pants and his Batman shirt (with cape trailing in the wind). Guess he just had to decide on his own he wanted to wear the thing. Funny kid.


It's a Mom Thing said...

Oh, the joys of little boys. Just wait until Caroline wants to be Ariel or Cinderella 24/7.

It's a Mom Thing said...

PS- Love your new blog design...very cute!

auntlainee said...

I absolutely love this!